Old games need updates

I love this game, have since I was little. I have hundreds of hours in this game. With that being said, we need content updates to old modes. The equestria girls mini game needs new songs. Rainbow Rocks songs would be ideal, but simply adding songs from the show would be fine too. I don’t know what songs this game has the rights to, but any additions would be very welcome. The same goes for the mini games. I’d love to get just one more mini-game for leveling the ponies up, it’d be cool if you guys could just bring the flying mini game back. I don’t know how much work this entails, but I do think it would be a major quality of life update for long-term players and would keep the gameplay from going stale.

fix ur game

i play this game everyday and enjoy it a lot, but i lose progress all the time due to the game crashing in the middle of completing games or other things, it takes my money but doesn’t give me any points. fix ur game pls bro… i even have the membership and i might have to cancel due to this being a continuous issue for me and others trying to enjoy this game. update - just lost a bunch of stuff due to it crashing! why does it crash multiple times a day and it’s not just me who has this issue


Been playing this game since I was little and been enjoying it’s just that everything is expensive now and I really want to buy ponies and buildings


96f36e -> мой код дружбы! пожалуйста, добавьте в качестве кода того, кто пригласил в игру❤️ сердечки вам гарантированы! игра прекрасна, стабильно возвращаюсь в нее уже 10 лет

Let me play with nightmare moon and every other character that has this thing

I got nightmare moon cause I got my haircut but I literally can’t do anything with nightmare moon please fix this and plus I also have characters that I evolved to five stars, but it doesn’t work on nightmare moon and others but I still love My Little Pony and this game, but don’t forget to add more generations cause you added generation one why not add generation three and generation five and generation two if it exists

i’m disappointed

I was at level 114 and all the progress went off abruptly! I can't do anything.


Уже который раз замечаю списывается игровая валюта ,если выбираю смотреть рекламу ,а не заплатить битсы .Например,в алмазной шахте сейчас выбрала смотреть рекламу и выбралась вагонетка вообще за алмазы. Что это такое ?

why Is there still not a save data button?

I love this game, i will always love this game. But even after all the countless updates over the years. This game still doesn't have a Save Data Option. No connecting to your Apple account or Google account. Nothing. And if you're a person who's done in-game purchasing. You lose all of that if you either uninstall your game or something happens to your device. It's an annoying thing honestly.


My app crashed and now I went from 140 ponies back down to 89 don’t quite know how that happened but please fix this soon. I have worked very hard 😭😭😭


Downloaded this game because of nostalgia. Then came back with literally everything being overpriced. Buying ponies with gems is completely unrealistic if you are f2p, the gems are hardly obtainable while ponies are like 300+ gems each. The current event there is no way you can get a single pony because they are 700-800 gems, unless you recharge for that specific ponies or been saving those gems for months (or years, lol). Also game crashes constantly. A disappointment.

Скучно, дорого, слишком много рекламы

Эта игра могла бы быть интересной, но разработчики сделали все, чтобы испортить впечатление. Зарабатывать монеты здесь – настоящий кошмар, все стоит непомерно дорого. Хочешь просто поиграть с пони в мяч? Готовь 40 тысяч золота! Хочешь покататься на вагонетке? Плати 12 тысяч монет или смотри рекламу. А рекламы здесь очень много. Каждое действие либо требует кучу ресурсов, либо вынуждает тебя смотреть ролики. Игровой процесс скучный и однообразный, а за все годы существования игры она так и не изменилась к лучшему. В итоге получается не развлечение, а бесконечное ожидание или просмотр рекламы. Также игра занимает много места на телефоне. Разочарование. Я удаляю эту игру и никому не советую ее скачивать - она просто тратит ваше время и нервы.

Сбой в игре

Игра хорошая, но не заходила буквально 1 день и все слетело, я столько купила и персонажей было 100, а сейчас 34, что делать не знаю😔 Очень грустно

ищу дрзей

добавляйтесь в друзья, будем кидать друг другу сердечки❤️ c7e1f2

where lil’ sweetie bell at

i literally got 3rd place in the fairytale event and didn’t get my reward. what’s up with that. where my prize at. why you gotta diddy me like that. i put my blood, sweat, and tears into that grind. WHERE IT AT


Can the other locations like Canterlot have the map bigger. So we can put more pony’s and decorations.

I love this game

Ever since I was a kid I played this game. Didn’t play for all of middle school and high school. I’m in college and I redownloaded the game and I still love it. It brings back so many memories. I just wish there were more. Like more towns and stuff. Don’t get me wrong there is so much to do. I haven’t even scratched the surface since I had to restart cause I hadn’t played in so long. They added so much since I last played, but there is still so much more of equestria they could explore. I would spend 1k rn if Manehatten or towns like that were added, but still 10/10 game. I’m so glad it is still up and I can play it with my adult money lol.

270 bits taken away by purshasing Princess Amore pony RIGHT NOW!!!

270 bits taken away by purshasing Princess Amore pony right NOW!!! And NO Princess Amore pony ok!

Good, Except Event Tutorials Shouldn’t Be For Anyone Who Is 13+

This is a great game. The only “flaw” regards the tutorials for events. I am a single 33-year-old without any children, yet I find the tutorials for the game’s events to be entirely useless unless the person playing is aged 3 to 12 years old.

Won’t load

Hate i

I’m ticked

I love this game however, for some reason, my game decided to remove all of my ponies, shops, decorations, and land expansions and basically set me back to level one while I still technically kept my current level. I had over 200 ponies, including the robot Tirek which I had just gotten earlier that day, lots of shops, decorations, and ponies from events that have long since passed by now. Including a pony that I paid real money for, just gone. I reached out to the developers and they were less than helpful. Taking forever to respond to me and not actually helping me, saying that there was no record of a progress wipe. I’m sorry but I was in the app when it happened?? And it had me freaking out?? Please explain to me how I was supposed to have gotten to level 104 with zero ponies and zero shops? If there is nothing they can do, at the very least I want my $30 back that I spent over the roughly 4 months I spent playing the game before everything disappeared.

I would play anything now

Bro, I'm so tried of Trixie selling the flipping apple game, like girl, are going for the apple or are you look at the clouds, I'm gonna crash out, and I swear if spike tells one more thing I'm going to "MAXIMUM PULSE" LIKE BRO, I get that there is events going on, btw this a gag.

много рекламы

все платно, а сейчас еще и рекламу добавили. как играть теперь?


new update gave bugs that make the game unplayable, currently stuck with my game reverted to the fluttering back quest menu and can’t exit it to access any other part of the game

Had an accident

Lovely game, I really like my little pony, but I accidentally spent one hundred gems without even noticing! It would be great it you could add some sort of confirmation to prevent that again. I’m free to play and that’s a pretty big loss

It’s perfect

It’s perfect…perfect…100% perfect 😭👍

One small thing..

I remember playing this when I was little, and never got too far with collecting characters and playing games with them, as I looked back I wondered why, it’s because you practically have to pay to win, to play mini games with characters, build houses and even compete quests, you have to use in game currency, and you use a lot, sometimes I only open the game just to collect the coins and close it. I do enjoy playing this game! It’s nostalgic to me, everything else is fine!

Add more options

I like this game a lot to pass some time. My favorite mini game is the Equestria Girls dancing mini game. But I’m disappointed that there are songs from okay the first movie. And some are cut short, like the Cafeteria song, my favorite. You should definitely add songs from Rainbow Rocks, Friendship Games, and even The Legend of Everfree. And maybe add some more usable characters. I would like to hear “Under Our Spell” in the mini game.

No sound/crashes a lot

Love the game it’s fun, very pay to play though. Theres no sound on this game unless I’m using headphones. I fixed all the settings . Please fix it i need to hear some music on the game. It crashes a lot I’m used to it though it’s very annoying can you please fix it?

Best Game

This game was my childhood! I recently redownloaded it and it brought back so many memories of my sister and I playing together!! There’s always something to do! Can be disheartening when you don’t have coins but they’re easy to get so it quickly becomes fun again!

The town game ever

I have been playing this game since the beginning, sometimes leaving and then coming back later. I remember before Canterlot came, when there was different astrology shapes, when the pony album was just a book, when you had to assign ponies to shops to make better items, when most of the ponies in the store only costs bits instead of a TON of gems and items you have to collect. It’s definitely changed. I do have a few things I do complain about or wish y’all would bring into the game. I hate that we have to collect items for ponies, especially the ones that didn’t even cost that much in the old versions. Also why is everything so expensive!? I can barely get 20 gems let alone 1000. Can we get new songs (and maybe new outfits) in the equestria girls mini game (and I know y’all get this a lot). There has been so many movies and all the songs are amazing! I do feel that the special events are for people that are just on their phones all the time because if you aren’t then there is almost no way you can win in time (unless you buy 500+ gem ponies. But besides that. Still love the game.


This game totally ROCKS! It’s a completely awesome game and I have ZERO complaints! Lightning Dust and I play the game literally EVERYDAY! 🌈⚡️🩵💙


Love this game as an adult, but why is everything so expensive? The reward system in this game needs a serious rework; there’s no reason ponies on here cost 500+ gems and the only way you can get them realistically without no-lifing on this game for a week+ is to spend $50. Completing tasks in game will give you at most maybe 5 gems on a good day, and then more if you level up a few times. Most I’ve gotten at once was 15 and that happened ONCE. Even trying to complete the story is impossible because you need to BUY some of the ponies needed to progress in game with gems and they end up being 200+ gems sometimes. Don’t have the money? Screw you apparently! Unless you bought the $10 monthly pass, which I did, you have to spend the gems you’re working hard to save up for your favorite character on in game things if you don’t want to wait hours and hours for one activity to be completed. Circling back…why does one pony cost $50? Sometimes those $50 you spent on gems isn’t even enough because they also price things in the THOUSANDS. So, yea. Hopefully the developers cut us some slack because after a certain point the game is almost unplayable with needing to buy these ponies you can’t unlock unless you’re lucky in balloon pop.

es muy bueno

es bastante bueno,pero siento que se necesitan muchas gemas para cosas innecesarias y tmb el juego ocupa mucho espacio,pero es entretenido.

Add me?

9f2301 <— friend code. I love this game so far! I never even knew this existed until now 😂 it’s super cute !

My little pony

So good


The app keeps closing on its own. It is very annoying.


I love this game but I hate when I log in all of my 50 gems are gone

Previous game data

I’ve emailed game loft and they won’t help me transfer my game data from my previous iPad to my new iPad Pro. I don’t want to start from scratch. As much as I like this game, I’m afraid I have to drop it if I can’t reach someone.

Love it

Played this game for years and still loving it


i love this game more than my own family that’s how much i love this game i’ve played it since i was a kid and now going adulthood still am:3

Peak cinema

This game is absolute cinema and lifechanging. Boy oh boy, where do i even begin, the first time i laid my eyes on this game i knew it was destiny. I wake up and go to sleep thinking about this game and play during my breaks as a manager of a software deveopment company. Woman in business might i say! However, i dont like the ads. Business woman out!

Love this appp

I love this app I’ve had it for years. I even got a new phone and support was nice and helped me get into my old account so I didn’t have to start over. My only issue is how pricey this game can get. I’ve spent well over a hundred of dollars just to be able to get certain ponies I needed to move on in storylines. The gems are ridiculous. So many ponies cost over 500-1,000 gems. It’s taken me months to even save up 400 gems and that’s without spending a ridiculous amount of real money to buy them. Most of the shops to be able to get coins also cost a ton of gems. They need to ether reduce the gem pricing on things or just get rid of them as a whole because it’s insane. The monthly challenge or mini game whatever where you have to “battle” ponies to get rewards and ponies is also dumb. 5 days is not enough time to get through it all. Majority of the time the “helper ponies” they have you can use to help advance you have to pay real money for them. I tested once to see how much real money it would take for me to just buy the purple coins to make it all the way to end. It was a ton of money!! I feel like they should make some ponies cost friendship hearts. There was only like two ponies you could get with those and now all the friendship hearts are used for the balloon game. Realistically it will be easier to unlock more ponies and shops if they cost friendship hearts and not gems. I hate if you leave a space empty random objects pop up that you have to clear and it costs coins or gems to remove them. And once you remove them they’ll just pop up again if you don’t fill the spot. The mini games are fun but I feel since this game has been out for years they could add more mini games and maybe some that you can win gems from instead of coins. I do really love this game, I love creating my own world, but I wish some things were better, ponies cost less or no gems, the 5 day challenge thing needs to change, more mini games.

Super fun, but just a few problems

Recently I haven’t been able to access the sweet apple acres or canterlot store. When I click on “shop” it only shows ponies from Ponyville. Also, when I won sapphire shores from the crystal mines, it still isn’t allowing me to buy her. It’s still telling me to play the crystal mines game even though I already won her.


download this game is so good

Changeling Kingdom Glitch

I am still experiencing the changeling kingdom glitch where when you try to assign thorax to a mission in the changeling kingdom, the whole screen loses all its buttons and nothing happens and you have to restart the game. I hope to see this fixed as I would really like to continue the story as this game is super fun.

Best game ever but…

I love this game because my little pony is my all time favorite! The main quests are exactly like the show and movie, the special event quests are so fun, but just one problem for me. Problem: the new mlp movie is out along with it’s series, but the ponies there are missing in this game! I would love to have the ponies there and some others may enjoy it too. Pls add Sunny and her friends. Developer pls think about adding them. Thank you.

I love this game two issues though

I love this game but PLEASE the clearable items not respawn every 2 seconds or add a grass tile/path that you can buy that clearable items can’t respawn on because I want to make my ponyville more open but I just keep getting the huge clearables that spawn in everywhere also my game crashes all the time so I don’t know if that’s fixable or what but yeah that’s all thanks

Love this game but

I absolutely love this game but it won’t let me transfer my progress from my phone to my iPad even if my iPad is signed into my phone, almost all of my games progress transferred to my iPad but unfortunately this game did not and there doesn’t seem to be anyway for me to do so

Great game

I would like if the equestria girls mode was expanded on, and if the dazzlings were added as playable characters

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